Record Culture Magazine is a bi-annual publication that focuses on niche music communities around the world and their intersection with the worlds of art, fashion and culture.
Led by in-depth interviews, image portfolios and photography that gives a unique view into homes and studio spaces.
Featuring Raphaël Top-Secret, Julianna Barwick, Misha Hollenbach, Jacques Renault, Carla Dal Forno, Arthur Russell Invites, Michael Kucyk, Avalon Emerson, Thomas Bullock, Dubby, Marie Davidson and Bell Towers. 198 pages, Perfect bound, Softcover
198 pages
Perfect bound
Issue 5 supplement: RVNG Intl. Experiments in Design and Collaboration: 2003–2018 72 pages, Saddle stitch, Softcover Softcover.
Highly recommended!
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