Back in 1968 a pair of Germanic behind-the-scenes sound librarians called Horst Ackermann and Heribert Thusek left a tiny, but indelible, pinprick on the history of German pop in the misshaped form of a sexy horror cash-in concept album called Dracula’s Music Cabinet.
Shelved at a micro-cosmic axis where Krautrock meets easy listening meets psychedelia the delayed reaction of this mutant concoction eventually exploded in the mid-1990s in the hands of a generation of ‘record diggers’ sending currency- crushing tremors through the wallets of mods, rockers, hip hoppers, psych nuts and kraut kompletists around the plastic-pillaging planet.
The vinyl junkies had resurrected a monster, but, like addicts do, they ravenously sucked it dry and moved on looking for the next fix to feed their habit.
- The End Of A Robot
- Monster On Saturn 1
- Visitors Of A.D. 2022
- Galactic Adventures Of The Outer Space Fleet -Hope-
- Hit Parade In The Light Year 25
- The Whistling Astronaut
- Murder In The Space Station
- Flirtation On Venus
- Dance On Mars
- Man Out Of A Test Tube
- Just Walking On The Moon
- Death Rays Out Of The Universe
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